
Letter: Spiritual consciousness is key to our future

Law is a poor substitute for love. Laws take over when love runs short. Laws compel us to do what we should have done willingly. Laws cannot legislate love, and only love can take us from our current state of affairs to the world we all want to live in.

Stop searching for "big government" solutions to spiritual problems. Politics, economics, and technology will always fail to achieve spiritual consciousness. The abolition of God, religion, and spirituality has left us in a place of spiritual poverty. The material consciousness of the secular culture that got us into this mess will not get us out of it.

The future of the world quite literally depends on humanity becoming more spiritually conscious. A government is no more capable of solving the most pressing issues of our times than it is of raising a child or healing a troubled marriage.

Should we participate in the political process and bring fairness to our laws? Sure, but with a clear understanding of limitations. Laws are required when humanity fails. Our decency and humanity should ensure that children do not go to bed hungry, that the elderly have the care they need, that the sick are tended to, and that young people are properly educated.

The effectiveness of government is limited by the virtue and character of the people who make up that government. Spiritual expansion is essential to transform into a better society. We have all heard phrases like ripple effect, domino effect, butterfly effect and compounding effect. Each of these can be powerful.

Small acts of kindness and generosity can set each of these effects into motion. Each of us can do our own small part to "pay it forward" to make this world a better place.

Joe DeLorenzo

Elk Grove Village

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