
Letter: Let Bears spend their own money on stadium

I'm a pro-business guy, but I take strong offense to remarks by Illinois Chamber of Commerce President Todd Maisch concerning funding for a proposed Bears Stadium in Arlington Heights, ("Tax help for a 'mega project'?") published in a recent Daily Herald. Mr. Maisch asserts that Bears ownership "deserves" a place in front of Illinois' legislature; and that, while there, they would "deserve everything they can get" from this body. Really?

Essentially the team ownership wants special financial treatment from the state to develop the property. This would give impetus to the multimillion-dollar owners of a team with an estimated worth of $5.8 billion, the incentive to move the team to Arlington Heights. I guess getting taxpayer handouts is more fun than using your own money on a deal. Who would make up for the taxes not paid for by or grants given to the Bears? It's the taxpayers of Illinois. These are the only folks who "deserve" something - and that is relief from being endlessly pummeled by Illinois' brutal taxes.

Mr. Maisch asserts importance of the Bears staying in the state. Why is this so? This is a mediocre team that eternally disappoints its fans. Many in the state don't give a hoot about the Bears and could not afford game tickets if they felt otherwise. The team has already extracted considerable sums from taxpayers for the Lake Front monstrosity in which they play. Now they want to dip into the bucket in again.

Research has shown that publicly funded stadiums have repeatedly turned out to be a bad deal for the taxpayers. If the Bears want to head for Arlington, that's fine. But, let them spend their own money to do it; and leave the beleaguered Illinois taxpayers alone. These Bears don't "deserve" to be fed one dime. Let them look in their own cupboard.

Charles F. Falk


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