
Letter: The need for charity

After reading the letter "You should work for what you want" in the Saturday, Dec. 24 Your Views, I loosely agreed with Mr. Billis Sr., until I got to the part where he said, "Charities and websites and churches and volunteer charity places keep giving people free stuff." He even goes so far as to lump in "free vacations" with necessities such as food and clothing. "Stop giving stuff for free and make people work for it," he concludes.

What about those who cannot work, due to a disability? What about people who suddenly find themselves homeless/without means to get to a job? Should they be left to starve? Bible passages too numerous to mention all cite feeding the hungry and clothing the poor, which is what churches and religious charities subscribe to.

I agree with the concept of "a hand up, not a handout," but before some people can get back on their feet, can we not share the basic necessities to help lift them up?

Jane Charmelo


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