
Letter: JFK called us to be responsible Americans

November 22, 1963, is a day our nation reflects on. An assassination of a president. A day that deeply wounded America. But 59 years later, we must reflect not on the tragedy but the eternal flame. The flame that presents his life not his death.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not believe in a materialistic nation as we've made ours to be and which he warned us of. He did believe in the contributions of the human spirit to which all of us is to be a part of. It's not a political movement, it's a human endeavor to better not only America but the world.

And America is to lead in it.

The way things are today is not what he envisioned and those who knew him know that while progress in areas have been made, the continuing political division prevents any more.

Both parties have changed, and the dangers and uncertainties of the world have too. And both parties need to look into their souls to find courage to work with one another. Not conspire against each other or yell at each other.

To remember JFK is to remember our responsibilities. Not as Democrats or Republicans but as Americans. For each generation is responsible of keeping the torch of liberty and dignity lit. And all of us are responsible of keeping freedom-mankind's best hope. JFK'S challenge: "My fellow citizens, ask not what your country can for you, ask what you can do for your country."

That's what we reflect on, then we let the word go forth to make our contributions, for which we shall,

like him, be remembered.

Bob DeLacy Jr.


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