
Letter: Why are election questions wrong only for Republicans

Has everyone heard that the new threat to democracy is questioning election results? It was in 2000 that 15 Democratic representatives objected to counting the Florida electoral votes. They called the election results fraudulent, and Democratic Rep. Eddie Johnson claimed there would be "no peace" because the election was stolen.

Then in 2004, Democrats forced a vote to recess the joint session of Congress where the electoral votes were to be counted. They wanted to debate perceived irregularities in the voting in Ohio. Thirty-one Democratic representatives voted to reject those Ohio votes. This action got the support of some Democratic senators, including our own Dick Durbin.

Moreover, in the election of 2016, several Democrats objected to certifying Trump electors because of "Russian interference." Supporting the objection was Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee proclaiming, "If in that voting you have glaring matters that speak to the failure of the electoral system, then it should be challenged."

Now, Democrat Hillary Clinton is claiming that the Republicans will "steal the 2024 election."

This historical activity of questioning election results was OK because Democrats lost (or might lose in 2024). Then, in 2020 the Democrats won, and the Republicans were complaining of documented ballot box stuffing and other irregularities.

Suddenly, according to Democrat President Biden, questioning election results by Republicans is a threat to our democracy. Mr. President, why is this activity dangerous for our republic only when Republicans are engaged in it?

Walt Sivertsen


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