Letter: Probes of Biden need not be revenge
In a Nov. 21 letter to the editor entitled "No value in revenge" Jan Raycheck opines that the incoming GOP House majority shouldn't plan "numerous investigations, all designed to get back at Biden for defeating Trump."
Seriously? Would all such investigatory efforts be revenge oriented, or would the goal be to expose facts, misdeeds and crimes that went unreported, uninvestigated and ignored by the Attorney General, the main-street media, private media platforms and a Democratic Congress?
Consider some of the underreported evidence that is out there. One example is Hunter Biden's laptop with a trove of evidence, backed up by his own business associates, exposing Hunter, his uncle Jim and father, Joe Biden, to possible dubious misadventures and access to high office. This is just one example.
Raycheck intimates that the new Congress should set all such things aside to "direct their energy on what looks to be a perilous future."
Perilous indeed! It's very clear to many that uninvestigated activities are exactly what will affect our future. They need exposure and adjudication. Not for revenge, but to prevent future activities that could put the survival of our republic in peril.
Lewis Landry