Letter: How Biden restored the presidency
After reading Mr. Weiss' editorial, "Look for the good and work together," I felt compelled to offer several rebuttals.
Mr. Weiss cites Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Stacy Abrams of making "ugly and inflammatory comments" directed toward former President Trump. However, Mr. Weiss does not provide any examples of crass, derogatory comments made by Trump directed toward: John McCain, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Nancy Pelosi and Serge Kovaleski (the reporter with arthrogryposis whom Trump openly mocked.) Moreover, Mr. Weiss points out several accomplishments of Trump: energy independence (does pulling the United States out of the Paris Accord in 2017 count?) and a secure border (partially building a wall along the border that Mexico did not fund as he promised). Trump boasted he would sign into law the biggest infrastructure act since FDR's New Deal. It did not happen (please reference President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill signed into law Nov. 15, 2021).
Moreover, what President Biden has done is restore the dignity and decorum to his office. He has reached out to Republicans in the spirit of bipartisanship through the infrastructure bill and a willingness to bring new ideas to the table on foreign policy.
I cannot provide one specific example of former President Trump's willingness to work with Democrats in the spirit of bipartisanship.
Expressing differences of opinion in a civil, respectful, open-minded manner is the foundation and bedrock of a healthy, vibrant democracy. Furthermore, citing specific evidence of support over generalizations is another important component to our nation's health and vitality.
Lawrence E. Bonk