
Letter: Barr is an unreliable source on ethics

I read Byron York's recent column about his conversation with former Attorney General Bill Barr regarding "Russiagate." According to Barr, the FBI harmed the country and treated President Trump unfairly by "trumping up" collusion between Trump and the Russians on the flimsiest of pretext. Let's just stop right here.

Asking former Attorney Barr to determine what was harmful to the country is ludicrous, considering the way he politicized the Justice Department and wholly misrepresented the Mueller Report to the American people.

And this is not the only ethical breach Barr has demonstrated in his long legal career.

As for treating Trump unfairly, how does one do that to a man whose entire life has been built on fraud and grift.

And finally, the Durham Report failed twice in court and according to Barr, will prevent FBI accountability. I suppose those 60 lost court cases regarding election fraud are also preventing the truth from coming out about election integrity.

Please Mr. York, when making a point about ethics, use a source that actually has demonstrated such.

Mark Plotnick


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