
Letter: Election Day hope

I cried that morning. I watched Nancy Pelosi tell when she was notified that her husband was attacked. She didn't know where he was or how he was at that moment. And I cried.

I cried for this woman who almost lost her husband. For the family who almost lost their dad. Their grandfather.

But then I cried for us. My country. Because it was Election Day, and I am afraid. Afraid that the hate that had caused this attack and others would prevail.

I cried because I saw Americans laughing and applauding when Trump called Nancy Pelosi an "animal." When I read how his son and other GOP politicians mocked and made fun of the attempted murder of her husband. When I saw those same Americans embrace the hate and the pure indecency.

This is not about Nancy Pelosi. It is about us. It is about who we want to be.

It was Election Day. The votes were cast. May God give us wisdom and courage.

Lauretta Cohen


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