Letter: Thank your local poll workers
I have lived in Kane County since the '60s and have voted as a resident over the years in Elgin, rural Dundee and West Dundee in almost every primary and election. I have always been treated with utmost professionalism at the poll location. Sometimes, I recognize a judge from another setting and we pass a quick hello between us.
In all that time, I have never ever once doubted the sincerity of the volunteer judges of both parties that man the polls. Those folks start early in the morning on Election Day and stay until closing.
All polling places are staffed by people we know of both parties, our friends and neighbors. Volunteers who take pride in carying out a long-held tradition of being present for those of us who believe in a representative form of government.
It has concerned me for the last several years that poll workers haven't stood their ground. Poll workers (volunteers) have been often maligned all over this country - many times by their own party.
From my viewpoint, and as all courts have upheld, the last election was fair and honest. Keep that in mind when you go to vote this year.
And, thank your local poll worker for maintaining a strong principle of democracy - the right to vote in a fair and open election.
Betty Baum
West Dundee