Lake County Board District 7 candidates say they want to make government work for the people
Candidates vying to represent District 7 on the Lake County Board cite a desire to make government work for constituents as their motivation for running.
Incumbent Democrat Carissa Casbon of unincorporated Warren Township and Republican challenger Dave Ulrich of Gurnee will square off Nov. 8. Both say they would be the voice of residents.
District 7 is entirely in Warren Township and includes parts of Gurnee, Waukegan and unincorporated areas near Grayslake.
Casbon, a former member and president of the Millburn Elementary District 24 board, is seeking a second term to make Lake County "a beacon of service, transparency and opportunity."
From flood protection to COVID vaccines, for example, government can make a difference, she says.
"I believe the county government has so much power to do good in the lives of our community members, and when it's in the hands of those who truly want to serve and have passion, there's so much we can do together, and I'm one of those people," she said.
During her tenure, the county has made "historic investments in our community's well-being" while holding the line on property taxes and making government more transparent, Casbon said.
Casbon says she has worked with residents in unincorporated areas to identify stormwater projects that will bring "lifesaving relief" to neighborhoods. Making high-speed internet service more available and preventing gun violence are other key issues, she added.
Ulrich worked nearly 35 years at Abbott/AbbVie, most recently in supply chain compliance finding efficiencies to get products to their destinations.
He says government taxation and inflation are adding to the burden on families. Ulrich said he will be a "fierce advocate for families" and work toward a healthy future through financial accountability, transparency and sustainable policies to improve lives and protect the environment.
"We need to get government off the backs of working families and small businesses," he said.
Another top issue for Ulrich is partisan "Chicago-style" politics focused on the party agenda rather than helping residents. He said he would advocate for residents, not just the political party.
Casbon said she ran for school board after learning of the district's financial troubles. During her tenure, the district got out of debt and cut property taxes, she added.
"It's that kind of desire to help that led me to run for higher office," she said. She said it's important to invest in relationships with other taxing bodies "and that we go forward and solve problems altogether (and) check our ego at the door."
Ulrich said he has a strong background of managing big projects and multimillion-dollar budgets. He says that after 40 years he wants to transition from a service user to a service provider.
"I see myself as a problem solver," he said. "I would like to start to be able to get into and help people with services."
Ulrich is an active member in the Midwest Water Analysts Association. He said waterway remediation, wastewater discharge controls due to newer contaminants and community recycling are environmental priorities.