Norma Hernandez: 2022 candidate for Illinois House District 77
Editor's note: Candidate did not fill out questionnaire.
Party: Democrat
Office sought: Illinois House District 77
Previous offices held:
Q: What needs to be done structurally to make the legislature more effective? What is your position on term limits in general and for legislative leaders specifically?
Q: Federal assistance has enabled the state to make important advances toward improving its budget. What will you do to ensure these advances continue when the federal aid is gone?
Q: To what extent are you happy or unhappy with the evidence-based model for education funding now in place in Illinois? How would you define "adequate" state funding for Illinois schools and what will you do to promote that?
Q: Do you believe elections in Illinois are free and fair? What changes, if any, are needed regarding election security and voter access?
Q: How well has Illinois responded to Supreme Court indications that it considers abortion, gay marriage and other social issues to be state, not federal, responsibilities? What if anything needs to be done in these areas and what would you do to make your vision come to pass?