
Letter: Why I don't like Joe Biden

In regard to the Sept. 21 Susan Estrich column headlined "Why don't you like Joe Biden," I will give you my answer.

I am 81 years old and retired. I saved all my life for old age. Under Biden, due to inflation, I lost 9% of my life savings value. (2% under Trump). I lost much more in my IRA as the DJI has dropped 1,500 points under Biden (record DJI high under Trump).

At my age, there is nothing I can do to increase my income. He always blames someone else and says he "feels my pain." Do you really believe he feels your pain?

Note that everything the author says is opinion not facts. He is a "genuinely decent ... honorable human being," etc. He is a divider.

His "great congressional successes" were not bipartisan. The results, good or bad, will not be seen for many months.

People who disagree are not radicals.

Two million illegal, unvaccinated people crossing our border every year is unsustainable. I spent six hours driving the wall and interviewing in July of 2020. No problems No illegal crossing.

We were energy independent under Trump. (Gas will really start skyrocketing when we stop supplementing from our strategic oil supply, which was full under Trump.) We also had the largest carbon reduction of any industrial nation under Trump. That is why "I don't like Joe Biden."

Arthur Siml

Carol Stream

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