Suburban Skyview: Boardwalk meanders through wetlands in Batavia
In 1960, former Superintendent of Recreation John Lippold, a founding member of the Auroraland Archers, created an outdoor archery field and an indoor practice range on the land that is now Lippold Park on Route 25 in Batavia.
The site was the home of archery tournaments until 1990, when it was decided that the outdoor ranges would be eliminated.
Archery continued in the indoor range until 2012, when it was determined that the building was deteriorating and it was not cost-effective to repair it.
In 2012, the Fox Valley Park District decided to replace the archery facility with hiking trails and a boardwalk through the wetlands near the Fox River.
In 2013 a nature-based playground, amphitheater and fire pit were added to the site.
In January plans were announced for construction of a 4,500-square-foot, three-season shelter facility.
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