
Letter: The Republican dilemma

What's a Republican to do? Back in 2016, the country thwarted Hillary Clinton from accepting what she thought was her birthright. Then, President Trump started accomplishing some campaign promises, eliminating punishing restrictions on businesses (particularly small businesses), helping America become energy independent and stopping the liberal drift of the Supreme Court.

Then, an uneasiness began to settle in, such as questioning the wisdom of pulling America out of the Paris Climate Accord. Disturbingly, fellow Republicans seemed to accept or ignore the constant Trump lies. As election time approached, Trump seemed to be anticipating defeat by predicting voter fraud. Republicans were concerned about what old Joe would do to the economy and choked over the possibility of a President Kamala Harris.

If only a woman with the credentials of a Condoleezza Rice were on the ballot (Liz?). Why does the election of the president of the United States of America too frequently have to be a lesser of evils? Also, when will we elect a president who will accept the daunting task of addressing the unconscionable national debt that both parties have gifted to our, and their children.

And then Trump lost, virtually giving the two crucial Georgia senate seats away ("Republicans, don't vote."). Countless lawsuits claiming voter fraud were thrown out of court. Then, on Jan. 6, Trump instigated an assault on America's Capitol Building.

He watched the shameless spectacle and, ignoring pleadings from family and professional advisers, sat and let it unfold on national television for all the world to see. Trump displayed himself as dangerous and unworthy of ever appearing again on an American ballot.

Yet here we are. Too many Republicans are blind to reality and continue to support the man. Thus, the Republican dilemma.

Jim Osebold

Arlington Heights

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