
Letter: Out of step with women

It is troubling to learn that pro-life and anti-choice activist candidate Chris Dargis donated $400 from his federal campaign on April 11 to Illinois Right to Life, the most prominent advocacy organization in Illinois that opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest. To make matters worse, he made this contribution just weeks before the Supreme Court made its final decision to repeal Roe v. Wade in June, depriving women across America of their basic right to reproductive health care.

Mr. Dargis has declared on the record that he believes "Roe v. Wade is bad law ... not rooted in the Constitution" and recently said in an interview that he thinks the issue of women's reproductive freedom is merely a "distraction." This, coupled with his record of funding extreme anti-choice grass-roots and lobbying organizations, shows that he is out of step with the vast majority of Illinoisans, especially Illinois women.

Julie Sass

Elk Grove Village

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