
Letter: On respect for the law

This is in response to a letter from Mark Claussner (President's 'semi-fascists' comment was out of line):

I have numerous family and friends who have served or currently serve in law enforcement. We always worry about what can happen to them. After the Trump Insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, hundreds of officers were badly hurt.

Some even took their own lives as a result of the intense combat they faced and the psychological damage that comes with that kind of attack. Trump not only let his armed supporters attack them for several hours, he is now on record saying he will pardon these cop killers and make us apologize to them.

I'm not a MAGA Republican, because I respect the rule of law and our brave law enforcement. Mr. Claussner is unaware it's Trump insulting his uncle's memory, not Biden.

Steven Anderson


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