
Letter: Bears' offer is not so attractive

So the Bears will build in Arlington Heights without taxpayer money "at least for the stadium." How generous of them. Including the Bell Works at the old AT&T site and the 90 North at the old Motorola site, this will make three mixed-use/entertainment districts within a six-mile radius in the suburbs. No wonder the Bears don't want to finance anything but the stadium.

If local and state government gets stuck with this portion of the tab, it will make local and state government stuck with the huge infrastructure tab at the "transit oriented" development. The same "transit oriented" development that has one major expressway supporting it versus the eight that support Soldier Field.

Is it any wonder that the Bears are shooting for the moon with a domed stadium without taxpayer money "at least for the stadium" that would increase the value of the team well above the current $3.8 billion estimate?

If the taxpayers reject Arlington Heights and state government becoming business partners with the Bears with the lure of the fanciful estimates of tax revenue imagined by the Bears, the Bears can always go back to Soldier Field with a better lease.

If this proposed partnership is approved, all of the communities surrounding Arlington Heights will be suffering the effects of congestion and decreased property values, without any of the perks.

Richard Coha


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