
Letter: Why not consider other types of debt?

Dear President Biden, Senators Durbin and Duckworth and Congressman Krishnamoorthi:

I think the cancelling of student debt is a wonderful thing but unfortunately, it doesn't help me, because I don't have student debt. However, since I am a taxpayer who is footing the bill for this, I think you should extend forgiveness to home mortgages.

Since graduates with student debt are also taxpayers, it is only fair that they help me out, don't you think? My mortgage is a real drag on my finances, and I could sure use the extra money to spend on other things.

My life would be so much better if I didn't have the stress of a mortgage that is going to take me 30 years to pay off. With the money I'd save, I might even be able to afford to send my kid to college.

Your Grateful Constituent,

P.S. I have a car loan I'd like to get rid of, too.

Keith Roberts


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