
Letter: Running the country by executive order

Biden's attempt through an agency to spend $300 to $600B of the taxpayer's money to buy back student loan debt without congressional approval is likely illegal, inflationary, discriminatory and political. It is another attempt to run the country by executive order. The department of education does not have the authority to spend this amount of money without the approval of congress and a method to pay for it. If it is determined they do, we might as well get rid of Congress.

Government spending at this level is always inflationary and is reckless while we are at a 40-year inflation high. Giving money to the highly educated and disregarding the not so educated is very much discriminatory. Why would a tradesman who borrowed money while learning their trade to buy tools and other things not be allowed the same?

Giving money to those who decided to take on an obligation and do not want to pay it back sends a terrible message to current generations.

How is it that someone making up to $125,000 annually can't pay back a $20,000 obligation over many years? Why would anyone pay for or give someone a loan in the future?

The plan is obviously buying votes. It is also of interest that universities that have raised rates equal to healthcare in the last decades spent hundreds of millions in lobbying going at least 70% to Democrats.

Ken Maltas

Prospect Heights

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