
Letter: Gun Sense Rally: Less blame, more solutions

The acrimony currently plaguing our nation is the result of too much effort being placed on assigning blame and too little on finding solutions. Pragmatic solutions come from civil discourse and analysis. Forums such as the Gun Sense Rally in Lake Zurich on August 21, organized by state Senate candidate Maria Peterson, provide an excellent model.

With a focus on the future rather than providing a platform for accusations, the speakers offered proposed solutions. Hopefully, other local candidates will offer similar forums for discussion of key issues. Perpetuating and improving our society demand an informed citizenry. If we expect to benefit from good governance, we have a responsibility to gather and evaluate information, then offer enlightened support to organizations and candidates we believe will enable workable solutions.

In the coming Nov. 8 election, we will decide how we deal with local issues such as education, infrastructure, small businesses, and fiscal control. These are issues that impact our lives. Opportunities like the Gun Sense Rally should be offered and attended. Individual votes carry a great deal of weight in local elections. Candidates should provide and present ideas, not assign blame. For the rest of us, it's important to learn and to vote.

Del Bloem

Lake Barrington

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