2021 Cook County Second Installment Tax Bills - Delayed
Second Installment property tax bills will be significantly delayed this year
Normally mailed June 30 and due Aug. 1. It is not yet clear when the second installment bills will be issued, but estimates range from mid to late fall of 2022 with the due dates coming 30 days after the bills are issued. Before second installment tax bills can be issued, all Cook County assessment appeals must be resolved - first by the Cook County Assessor's Office and then by the Cook County Board of Review.
Unfortunately, this year there were compatibility problems between a new computer system used by the Cook County Assessor's office and an older system used by the Board of Review. These compatibility problems led to significant delays in the transmission of data between county appeal agencies and the result is that second installment bills will be late.
Taxpayers may appreciate that the second installment of 2021 tax bills will not be due until sometime toward the end of 2022. But they should be aware that they will have far less time to prepare for the first installment of 2022 taxes, which should be due around March 1, 2023. There may be just a few months between the payment deadlines for these two bills.
In addition, the delays in issuance of the tax bills may create difficulties for public schools, municipalities and other local taxing districts that depend on property tax revenue. Taxing districts with large fund balances may be able to handle the delays in tax bills, but some districts with smaller fund balances may have to borrow money to meet payroll and cover other expenses.
Taxpayers seeking updates about the status of second installment tax bills should feel free to contact the Barrington Township Assessor's Office at (847) 381 5632x1, email: info@barringtontownship.com or website www.barringtontownship.com