Warrenville surgeon appointed to national Veterans Affairs position
WARRENVILLE - Dr. Reynold Lopez-Soler of Warrenville was appointed chairman of the Department of Veterans Affairs Transplant Surgery Surgical Advisory Board.
During the three-year appointment, Lopez-Soler will help develop transplant policies across VA's nationwide medical system and 15 transplant centers. The Transplant Surgery SAB also advises the National Surgery Office and VA leadership.
"It's quite an honor to have this ability to look at national policy and direct transplantation for veterans across multiple transplant centers and multiple regions," Lopez-Soler said.
Lopez-Soler is director of Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital's Renal Transplant Program. He helped establish the program in 2020, becoming the eighth VA facility to provide kidney transplant services.
Lopez-Soler said Hines VA's program initially planned for 10 kidney transplants in its first calendar year but completed 36, the most by any VA that year. To date, the program has completed 66 successful transplants, including its first living donor transplant in June.
Born in Puerto Rico, Lopez-Soler is the grandson of Army Brig. Gen. Reynold Lopez-Pritchard. Lopez-Soler said his grandfather's service inspired him to help veterans.
"I grew up very close to my grandfather," he said. "I've always wanted to figure out a way to serve, and this seemed like a great way to serve. I can do the job I love for veterans that need it."