Arlington Heights Nurses Club awards scholarships
The Arlington Heights Nurses Club has awarded scholarships to five outstanding nursing students that will help to fund their nursing education.
The club awarded scholarships to the following students:
• Katherine Baumeister attends Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio;
• Allyssa Brinkman attends Chamberlain University in Illinois;
• Alisa Kaiser attends Chamberlain University in Illinois;
• Jillian Lopotko attends the University of Illinois at Chicago;
• Reba Williams attends Chamberlain University in Illinois.
The Arlington Heights Nurses Club has served the Arlington Heights community since 1938. It offers a Lending Closet to residents of Arlington Heights, which provides durable medical equipment such as walkers, canes, wheelchairs, crutches, home health needs and bathing equipment.
The closet lends equipment without a fee and continues its service from donations only. Donations also support the scholarships awarded to local nursing students.
The Lending Closet is open from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday at the Arlington Heights Senior Center, 1801 W. Central Road, Arlington Heights.
For information, call (847) 797-5315 or visit
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