
Letter: Itascans, please stand by your neighbors

The recent letter to the editor regarding the issue going on between Itasca and Medinah was welcome, and it made me happy to see that an Itasca resident is able to put herself in our place.

That is what the Medinah residents have been trying to tell the Itasca mayor, trustees and plan commission members to do, but it is like talking to a wall. I just wish they would realize like the letter writer that we are really all the same: we go to the same churches, shop at the same stores, share doctors. We are you.

In case someone is not aware of our neighborhood, I would suggest a drive (a slow drive, please, through the beautiful tree-lined streets. You will find a very pleasant area with well-kept homes and gardens, along with huge old trees everywhere. There are no sidewalks or streetlights. We each have our own well and septic system, which is why we need to have our lots of at least a half-acre.

The thought that this would all turn into an industrial park consisting of huge warehouses is abhorrent to me, and I would think also to the Itasca residents. The amount of truck traffic it would bring also would affect Itasca, Roselle and other towns. How can that be a good thing for anyone?

I ask our neighbors to stand with us and fight this potential takeover. You will not regret it.

Diane Lauk


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