
Letter: The real comparison of slavery, abortion

Micaiah Bilger wrote an article on Jul 5, 2022, about Kamala Harris comparing pro-life laws to slavery at an event in Louisiana. In the article, Bilger quoted Harris: "We have to recognize we're a nation that was founded on certain principles that are grounded in the concept of freedom and liberty," and "We also know that we've had a history in this country of government trying to claim ownership over human bodies. And we had supposedly evolved from that time and that way of thinking."

First thing I thought when reading this was that I didn't know governments claimed ownership over human bodies. I may be wrong here, but I really thought it was the individual slave owners that owned slaves and that governments facilitated slavery.

But then Bilger has a profound observation. After making the point that the baby in the womb is a unique human being, she says "Abortion treats the unborn child as a non-person, a lesser human being, much like slavery did with African Americans; and dehumanizing a certain group of human beings allows for abuses against them." I say, yes, that is the real comparison to slavery! Kamala Harris, you are wrong!

And the " ... we had supposedly evolved from that time and that way of thinking," from Kamala, implies no God. The only "evolving" we should be doing is to return to the Judeo-Christian values that are the foundation of this great nation of ours. Judeo-Christian values made a nation of INDIVIDUALS. We need to respect each other as individuals, not a member of a group or class. We really need to pray, repent and return to God or this country will fall to tyranny - I would argue a godless tyranny of the left.

John Zitkus


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