
Letter: Want people to stop hitting bridge? Move it

If the owners of the Empire State Building were smart, they would have added a reinforced ladder up the side of the building so King Kong didn't destroy so much of the structure climbing to the top. That would be smart, logical. Enter Long Grove's hysterical, er, historical bridge dilemma of logic.

The Daily Herald's editorial board's point Tuesday about the Long Grove bridge crashes "many drivers are not paying enough attention," is something I can't disagree with. We are distracted, yes. But there is a bigger issue here all see: There is an elephant wedged under the bridge.

So why does Long Grove's village president and trustees and the historical commission continue to brag that they are continuing to reinforce an outdated, illogical structure that causes more headaches than it's worth, to withstand the collisions that drivers make? Really? The street has more signs and signals than a border crossing checkpoint to "warn" drivers approaching the low clearance bridge, yet they refuse to add a simple headache bar to immediately remove the chances of the vehicle even getting to the bridge.

Quaint and nostalgia themes are important to Long Grove - and other ancient towns - that make a living by allowing us a reprieve from the now to go back in time. I love the town. And, at the same time, some decisions and items need a reality check. This bridge can easily be relocated to the park around the corner to act as a pavilion for gathering, photo ops and to actually save the structure any more abuse. The bridge does not define Long Grove's character - it is not a shrine - it's a picturesque wooden bridge, reinforced with steel beams.

We are all distracted, yes. And, logical thinking also suggests a typical driver is not expecting something so illogical as a 8½-foot clearance in 2022, even with warning signs.

Please, move the bridge to the park and we'll all have some ice cream. I'm buying!

Russ Riendeau

Lake Barrington

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