
Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District gets the 'yes' on $13 million request

The Fox River and Countryside Fire/Rescue District has gotten the thumbs-up to borrow $13 million for new equipment and an additional station.

Unofficial results show 1,912 people voted "yes" and 1,421 people voted "no," with all 25 Kane County precincts reporting and two of three DuPage County precincts.

Final results won't be available until after July 12, which is the last day vote-by-mail ballots can be counted.

The district wants to use the money to pay off old debt, buy new vehicles and equipment, and eventually build a third fire station.

That station would be on land the district already owns, at Crane and Bolcum roads in St. Charles Township.

District officials said response times in the 38-square-mile district are faster on its east and west sides, where the two existing stations operate - one in Wasco, one near Wayne. The third station would provide equity districtwide.

Currently, average response times districtwide are 7 to 8 minutes, but it can take 10 minutes for rescue workers to get to the center of the district, according to the district's chief.

The district intends to put aside $5 million of the $13 million bond proceeds toward the construction of the station, which officials said likely won't be built until at least 2025.

The district would use $5 million for equipment and vehicles, and the rest of the money would go to pay off the debt for the construction of the two existing stations.

If the district gets to borrow the $13 million, the owner of a house with a market value of $300,000 would pay $130.27 more in taxes a year, officials estimated. District officials said they intend to pay off the bonds in 10 years.

The district serves residents in the villages of Campton Hills and Wayne and unincorporated areas in St. Charles and Campton townships.

It used to hire the St. Charles Fire Department to handle its calls, but in 2011 decided to start doing the work itself. Since then, voters have rejected tax-rate increases six times.

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