
Letter: Wrong candidate for Congress in Dist. 8

As a constituent of Illinois' 8th district and as an Indian American, I am deeply disappointed in the Daily Herald's endorsement of Raja Krishnamoorthi for U.S. representative.

I'm a recent college graduate who is invested in the success of her state and believe that Krishnamoorthi's acceptance of donations from numerous special interest groups poses an inevitable hindrance to positive change.

Of greater concern, however, are Krishnamoorthi's connections not only to the oppressive Indian government, but also to the RSS, a fascist, militant Hindu organization. The RSS is a threat to the basic freedoms of millions of Indians, especially those who belong to minority groups.

As a member of one of these minority groups myself, I believe that in tolerating connections with an organization such as the RSS, Krishnamoorthi is openly validating not only the suppression of the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech, but also the vilification and persecution of innocent individuals.

To proudly endorse a candidate capable of such passivity is, in my opinion, an egregious oversight on behalf of the Daily Herald.

Sara Ahmed

South Barrington

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