Letter: Hutchinson experience needed on high court
In the Second Appellate District covering Lake, McHenry, Kane, Kendall and DeKalb counties, there are many candidates in both parties who are running for the Supreme Court. On the Republican ballot, you will find four candidates. Of those four, only one has any experience writing opinions that are used and followed by attorneys and judges throughout northern Illinois. That person is Justice Susan F. Hutchinson.
Justice Hutchinson began her career as an assistant state's attorney in McHenry County. She moved on to be an associate circuit judge. She was elected as a circuit judge in McHenry County. For over the last 25 years, she has sat on the Appellate Court. She is the former presiding judge of that court. For years, she has sat on the statewide committee responsible for the ongoing education for all Illinois judges. She has spent years actually teaching Illinois judges.
There is one person who deserves your vote for the Supreme Court - Susan F. Hutchinson.
Steven J. McArdle
Crystal Lake