Letter: Conforti is refreshing option for change
It is disturbing, very tiresome and super irritating, but not unusual, to be exposed to the negative ads and nasty literature of candidates bashing their opponents, very often without fact.
I did note one GOP candidate running in the 6th Congressional District, Ms. Niki Conforti, who did not break President Reagan's 11th Commandment "thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." What a refreshing breath of air in these times of election.
So, I did my due diligence and investigated her qualifications. On inflation, she can be counted on to address this malady brought upon us by this present Administration with her knowledge and having a degree from the University of Chicago in Economics.
On Health Care, she has an MBA in that field from George Washington University.
On energy, she has been a consultant to major companies for the past 14 years. Unlike so many politicos in or seeking office, she is for term limits and so much more. But here was the best characteristic for me. She comes from the private sector and not the political swamp.
I hope all voters in the 6th District will discover these same qualities and vote for this young lady who is quite obviously the best candidate of the bunch.
Jerry J. Marchese
West Chicago