Letter: An unfortunate campaign of deception
I've been fighting for liberal causes and candidates since the 1960s. In my experience, liberals do their best to tell the truth. I'm saddened to find Marie Newman conducting a campaign of deception.
Newman boasts that she doesn't accept "bribes" from corporate PACs, but is deceiving voters because she simply avoids the PACs by collecting money directly from corporations. Three of her five biggest donors are corporations, as reported by Open Secrets and one of the three is also one of Casten Casten's biggest donors.
Newman deceives voters by claiming she's a progressive but Casten is a corporate-controlled toady. Vote Smart reports Casten and Newman had identical answers to questions on abortion rights, campaign finance, education, environment and health care. Voteview tabulates how legislators voted and GovTrack tracks whose bills they co-sponsored. In both Casten ranked more progressive than Newman.
Newman embedded her video attacking Casten into an MSNBC video by Chris Hayes. In the original, Hayes bemoans the use of super PACs. Newman's implants made it appear that Hayes is condemning Casten.
Despite this brazen violation of truth and law, no one apologized for it or lost their job over it, as would have happened in any ethical campaign. Even though Newman acts as if her video never existed, its stench remains.
I could never support any candidate whose campaign is based on deceptions.
Please vote for Sean Casten in the Democratic primary.
Darold Barnum
Oak Park