
Letter: Newman will work for issues we care about

In spite of attack ads I still support Marie Newman for Congress for a lot of good reasons that are more important than allegations about her.

But first, the main allegation was put forth by a right-wing extremist group, FACT, that filed ethics complaints against 46 Democratic congressmembers. It is bogus. The ethics committee will find nothing there. This is what corporate/conservative super PACs are doing across the country to remove progressives who would stand up to them.

The most important ethics concern that I have is "Will my congressmember fight for us and our environment as their priority?"

Newman refuses corporate PAC money. Sean Casten accepts it. Their votes reflect that. Newman supports expanding and improving Medicare gradually to cover all of us. Casten wants an expensive Swiss plan because it can make someone money.

Newman supports the Green New Deal and will work environmental concerns into any bill she works on. Casten opposes GND, wanting a market approach.

Casten talks a good game. Newman acts and is far better on this and other issues. She works for us.

Dan Bailey


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