
Letter: Jones brings calm approach, resolve

I am writing in support of Brian Jones' candidacy to serve as the 11th District representative on the Kane County Board.

Jones certainly holds the technical credentials necessary to serve as our county board representative, including years of legal experience, community involvement, lifetime residency in the district, business ownership and strong personal values.

What he also brings to the table is a calm approach and resolve to address issues in a reasoned manner. In our current environment it becomes increasingly common to "go on the attack" rather than govern and serve. I believe Jones's intelligence and personality will make him an exception to that trend, an effective representative of our interests and a great choice for the board.

I have been honored to serve the residents of Geneva and Batavia who make up the 11th District for almost eight years and truly believe passing the baton to Jones at the end of my run will place the District's interests in good hands.

John Martin


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