
Letter: Casten is Democrats' best choice

At the 2022 March for Our Lives sponsored by Downers Grove North High School students on June 11, Democratic U.S. Rep. Sean Casten urged us "Do not lose hope, do not give up. Keep marching. Keep showing up because it's the only thing that works."

As an Elmhurst resident, I began supporting Casten after hearing him speak at the 2018 March for Our Lives, even though he was not representing my city at that time. We must persevere to achieve no more senseless deaths. Sean Casten has led the way in supporting common-sense gun legislation. He supports universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons.

Casten introduced the Gun Trafficker Detention Act that would create a requirement for gun owners to report if their guns were stolen or lost within 48 hours. He also co-sponsored the Prevent Gun Trafficking Act to combat illegal gun purchases and transfers. These acts, if enacted into national law, would help alleviate the problem of guns crossing state lines from nearby states with laxer laws.

The 6th District now represents 49 suburbs ranging from Bridgeview, Tinley Park, Lockport, Elmhurst, Wheaton and Addison. If you are in the 6th, Casten is your best choice in the Democratic primary.

Please "show up" in the June primary and vote to reelect Rep. Sean Casten.

David Terrill


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