
Letter: Second Amendment is outdated

"A well regulated Militia being necessary for the security of a free State, the citizens rights to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed. "

The intent is to create a cilivan-controlled military-style armed force to defend the Constitution and republic against all enemies, foreign or domestic. In the 1700s, militia members had to supply a musket or rifle, the firearm was their personal property. The Framers took for granted that each household had a firearm so a militia could easily be raised and chartered. This no longer the case in 21st century America.

Today much of the original intent is obsolete. Militias are now the state National Guard, which is highly federalized. The federal government supplies guard units with equipment and weapons. Our security today depends on standing federal armed forces, not locally controlled Militias.

The Second Amendment is about defense, not gun ownership or regulation. Federal law should ban automictic weapons and those with little cilivan use. Regulation should be a state function via a uniform gun control bill passed by each state. This will make it possible for states to make local-only modifications that fit their own requirements.

Federal law is one-size-fits all, which really does not work.

In general, the Second Amendment should go the way of the Third. It no longer applies to 21st century America.

Donald Michela

South Elgin

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