
Letter: Does Krishnamoorthi serve district or donors?

On June 28, primary voters in the 8th Congressional District can select their Democratic candidate for congress in the Nov. 8 election. The incumbent Raja Krishnamoorthi, is being challenged by Junaid Ahmed.

Krishnamoorthi worked for Obama and is a centrist Democrat, popular with corporations and businesses.

For this November election, he has raised about $5.5 million (56% from out of state), about seven times as much as Ahmed, and three times as much money as the average congressperson. Krishnamoorthi has raised about $667,000 from finance/insurance/real estate; $689,000 from lawyers/lobbyists, and $689,00 from health care.

He has $12 million in the bank. Large business owners and lawyers may be comfortable with this. The question most voters need to ask is: why does Krishnamoorthi receive such lavish donations from businesses?

Whom does he serve? Does he serve the best interests of the people in his district?

As a voter, I would like to see changes that many of us, according to polls, have wanted but that corporate or centrist Democrats have failed to enact for decades: fixing Social Security, enacting Medicare for All, ending Citizens United, free community college, outlawing assault weapons. These are some of the changes that the challenger Ahmed is focused on and that I support. He is focusing on the needs of residents of the 8th District.

There comes a time when the pattern of behavior of our corporate-funded Democratic politicians is clear: talking an acceptable game while mainly serving the corporate donors, not the people.

Voters do have a choice. Perhaps now is the time to elect a new breed of politician, one who serves the people, not corporate donors.

I think the election of Junaid Ahmed as our congressional representative from the 8th district would be a good start for us.

G. Jordan Maclay

St. Charles

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