
Letter: Misplaced blame for high gas prices

Gas prices, gas prices. The price at the pump is not tied to the actions of the Democratic Party, but here we are. Quite the opposite really. But, polling numbers currently show that the American people need someone to blame.

Our current situation isn't a national problem. It's a worldwide issue, and gas prices were eventually going to go higher. But now, with prices at the pump exceeding anything we've ever seen here in America, the electorate seems by all accounts likely to shoot themselves in the foot (probably with an AR-15) and put the party who is behind much of our situation back into power.

For over a generation and as a favor to Big Oil, Republicans in Congress have obstructed any and all efforts to build cleaner, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Supply and demand is the basis for all economies, and Republicans have artificially created more demand to garner larger profits for Big Oil by keeping in production vehicles that get low mileage per gallon.

No matter who is in power, gas prices will continue to remain tied to global demand, refining problems and military conflict, and the Republican Congress will continue to work to strip away our rights and our democracy. How is it that the political party involved in trying to steal our elections and overthrow our government is going to be given yet another chance at accomplishing what they set out to do back on Jan. 6, 2021? It's astonishingly terrifying.

Billy Malecki


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