
Letter: Column should spur action on gun control

We recently read Burt Constable's article "The myth of guns as protection needs to die." What a fantastically well-written article. He captured every issue that relates to the current proliferation of guns and gun violence in this country. Every American and especially our government officials across this nation should read this.

How anyone can continuously sit by and act as if there's nothing wrong is unconscionable. The statistics that were presented comparing killings by guns in this country vs those killed in wars was truly shocking. Thank you for your courage to say what needed to be said.

We especially liked Constable's reference to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Warren Burger's comment that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud on the American public by special interest groups I've ever seen in my lifetime."

Our only hope is that maybe, just maybe it will change enough people's minds and something can be done about these senseless killings. It is our responsibility as voters to make sure we choose candidates who will support meaningful gun safety legislation.

The majority of voters want reform, and Congress must act now before another senseless high capacity AR-15 slaughter occurs.

Bob and Helen Jacobsen


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