
Business for a Better World: Chicago Precision Inc. and ERA Industries Inc.

Chicago Precision, Inc. and

ERA Industries, Inc.

1800 Greenleaf Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

(847) 472-8980

Website: and

Industry: Aerospace, Space, Defense & Medical Devices

Number of employees: 250

Q: Describe your company.

A: Chicago Precision and ERA Industries are sister companies that provide precision machined, metal components based on our customers' design. We are located in the same building and share resources such as equipment, processes and staff. Our factory is 92,000 square feet and we have over 200 machines. We also have two auxiliary locations totaling 67,000 square feet.

Q: Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in your company in the next year?

A: We upgrade a percentage of our equipment every year to ensure we remain competitive and strive to have the most advanced machines and technology to provide our customers with the best products. Our newest addition is an FMS center (Flexible Manufacturing System). This system will provide us with added flexibility in switching over between different parts and production levels.

As for staff, we are looking for passionate individuals to fill a variety of operational roles. Our growth forecast will require additional staff to be added well into next year.

Q: What will your company's main challenges be in the next year?

A: Rising costs of inputs and attracting passionate team members.

Q: What's the hottest trend in your industry?

A: One of the trends in our industry is Additive Manufacturing (3-D Printing). We just visited RAPID, an AM trade show in Detroit and it was fascinating to see the innovation happening in this space. Next year's show is coming to Chicago.

Q: Is your company minority-owned? Woman-owned? If so, what are the challenges of being a minority- or woman-owned company?

A: Chicago Precision is a 100% woman-owned business. Though we do have challenges, I do not attribute them to me being a woman but rather the company working in a very competitive market during a challenging time economically.

Q: Does your company donate time or money to any philanthropic causes? If so, what causes?

A: We are proud supporters of Gift from the Heart Foundation based in Schiller Park. The foundation helps international children come to the U.S. for life-saving operations that are not available in their home country.

Q: What do you do to make your business a good place to work for your employees?

A: We reward hard work and passion. Employees have a safe and clean environment to work in, have an open-door policy for any suggestions for improvement and have potential to grow as they learn the various machines and processes.

Q: Do you have a business mantra?

A: Never, never, never give up.

Q: What is one interesting fact about your company that most people may not know?

A: I had a unique opportunity recently through one of my customers, GE Aviation, to meet with President Joe Biden and talk about the advantages of additive manufacturing. The President kicked off the Additive Manufacturing Forward Initiative, which aims to help small businesses with funding, staffing and technical assistance to grow this market in the U.S.

We've been talking with our customers about our desire to expand our capabilities to include additive manufacturing and have received a lot of interest so far.

The reason we are so interested in this and other developing technologies is because we realize that if small businesses don't invest in the future, America will lose its technological dominance in the world. It's critical for our country to invest, learn and innovate now before it's too late.

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Chicago Precision, Inc. and

ERA Industries, Inc.

1800 Greenleaf Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

(847) 472-8980

Website: and

Industry: Aerospace, Space, Defense & Medical Devices

Number of employees: 250

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