
Letter: Ten years and still no action

I have written several letters to the editor over the years regarding gun massacres. Following are quotes from one I sent in 2008, after the Northern Illinois University killings.

"I heard the news from DeKalb and started to cry. I have young grandchildren attending Chicago Public Schools and listen in horror to the almost weekly account of mindless murder in the city of innocent students being gunned down on their way to and from school.

"How do we continue to allow this to go on? If these acts were attributed to terrorists, I have no doubt there would be a hue and cry and even the gun lobby would be forced to back down from its constant claim of the right to bear arms.

"There is no guarantee of safety or freedom from illness and injury in life, but to deliberately put our lives and our children's lives in harm's way by continuing to permit the mindless sale of weapons must stop."

Here we are almost 15 years later and the carnage continues.

Jill Versace


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