
Letter: Regulation is not a ban

Tobacco, 2,000 years chewing and smoking leaves. Columbus; tobacco to Europe in 1492. Smoking entrenched for centuries. 1602 reported 'possible' health risks. 1920s, 50s & 60s scientifically linked smoking/second-hand smoke to serious health issues; death.

Smoking was acceptable everywhere: bars, restaurants, movies and airplanes. Late 20th century illness/death linked to smoking understood and legislation crafted to protect nonsmokers and smokers. Rules; smoking remained legal with regulations. Big tobacco and citizens pressed their demand to retain smoking rights. Tobacco lied about the science. money to elected kept tobacco ubiquitous. Science and common sense replaced the pull of the campaign contribution. People can embrace the carcinogenic affects of tobacco they simply can't force their dangerous choices on others. Big tobacco lied and paid billions for lying and causing death.

End of the 13th century found first single shot guns. Weapons have been used for food gathering, protection, target sports and settling disagreements. Guns began large and a single shot until 1892 - 116 years post-Second Amendment. The six-shooter (Samuel Colt) invented in 1836, 50 years post-Second amendment.

Burning books, attempting to purge education and eliminate America's embarrassing past erases/alters facts; LIES replace reality. Smoking created a social pleasure. Facts indicated greater harm than perceived originally. Controls put in place protected those who chose not to participate; not elimination of a 2000-year-old practice.

'A well regulated militia' has evolved to 'EVERYONE' gets a gun. History (the past 20 years) demonstrates not everyone is part of 'a well regulated militia'. The use of a gun, in an unregulated society, too frequently is creating health issues; death.

Americans; 87% want background checks; 64% want automatics eliminated. Regulation is not a ban. legislators elected to represent OUR WISHES not to be bought by the highest bidders. Vote. Our lives do depend on it.

Alan P. Murdoch

Arlington Heights

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