
Letter: Confused about lack of action

As residents of Wheaton and the United States, we are numb, confused, angry as well as uncertain with where our affiliation are in regards to the policy of the left- and right-wing politics currently sounding off with the contributing factors regarding the recent murders of the children and staff in Texas. My wife and I do not have children, but our immediate thoughts go to the to the small young neighbor children that live next door and what the world would be like without these very special, precious kids. We do not understand the dynamics of raising a family, but understand the nightmare impact if this event were closer to home in which our little buddies were hurt or killed. This has got to stop.

The Second amendment to the constitution is ambiguous and does not reflect the current thinking of the voting population. As our country has evolved, our constitutional amendments need to evolve to reflect our changing world and how to protect the our democracy and the lives of our citizens.

This evolution requires a different conversation from any we have had before - examining the risk factors of what gun ownership means to the public and to the family - which the Republican Party refuses to have. We, as with a lot of people, are proud of the service our family members provided to the military. They gave their lives to protect the people of the United States in so many conflicts it is hard to catalog. But military guns belong with only the military.

For the Republican senators who reject any discussion on gun safety and whose only motive to is to get reelected in order to hold on to power. Shame on you.

Bill Rankin


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