
Letter: Men, too, have responsibilities with pregnancy

There are so many things wrong with Jim Pioch's letter to the editor from May 23. In it he states, "Women have choices concerning reproductive rights. The first is do I want to have sexual intercourse and risk getting pregnant?" First of all, not all women choose to have sex. Have you ever heard of rape or incest?

I noticed in the letter he placed all the responsibility on the women. I'm sure that was a mistake, and under "choices," people will agree that men have responsibility too. They should ask themselves, "Do I want to have sexual intercourse and risk getting a woman pregnant? " If the answer is yes, will he help this woman during her pregnancy or flee and let her handle the responsibility on her own? Will he be responsible for prenatal care and child support and help the women financially while she is recovering from birth, because "their choices are their responsibilities?"

Instead of dictating what women should or should not do, how about you use your time and energy to make sure there is comprehensive sex education and free birth control? Unless you have a uterus, you have no business dictating what a women should or should not do with hers.

Donna Doering


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