
Letter: GOP reaction to carnage is a blank page

Let's take a look at some of the bold Republican legislative proposals to reduce firearm violence. Granted, we knew the list would be short. In fact, it's not a list at all. It's a blank page.

The reaction from the Republicans of the continued carnage is pretty low key. Hardly a word. Barely a whisper. The silence is deafening. They're happy with the way things are. In fact, they've worked diligently to make sure things stay the way they are. They've been using ing their time to tackle other important issues, like censoring textbooks, restricting peaceful protests, directing venomous racist hatred at people of color, let's not forget plotting an insurrection, after all they've got their priorities.

Please, to preserve this country and prevent disaster, get out and vote.

Glenn Golz

Arlington Heights

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