
Moderates need to vote in primaries

This is a reminder that we have until June 28 to vote in the primary elections.

I have to confess that I have been disappointed in the array of extreme right and extreme left candidates that the two parties continue to put forward for the general elections. I also have to confess that I have not been a regular voter in the primaries each year. So I really have no right to complain about party candidates in November until I start participating in the primary elections.

I don't know the statistics, but my understanding is that primary voting totals are significantly lower than totals in the general elections. That tells me there are a lot of people who may feel the same way about the candidates slated for November every year. The answer is not just to change the election procedures or the two-party system.

The answer is to get out and vote in the primary elections. It is easy to go online and research the candidates who best represent you and vote in that party's election. The extreme voters have taken control of our elections because they have controlled the primary elections.

The moderate voters who may be less "involved" need to get off their couch and vote in the primaries this year and every year from now on. I plan to do just that. get out and vote or stop complaining.

Bill Hogan


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