
Letter: Use foundations to back charitable causes

My compliments to Anita Kuechenberg on March 12, "Buying votes on loans" concerning student loan payoff. It's obvious that she is a hardworking, self-made professional of her trade and rightfully makes the point as to why would this charitable (possible vote buying) payoff be made by all of us.

As an alternative mechanism, why doesn't the left implement the mechanism that I have suggested multiple times to address their "freebee" giveaway - American Socialism via the nonprofit (501c3) alternative.

Instead of placing the debt on all citizens of this country, establish a NFP (takes less than 30 days), make your case to the citizenry, collect money from the like-minded supporters and then expend to address the chosen issue. Wow, problem addressed and those who don't support will remain happy.

And don't worry, there is plenty of upper income money in Democratic voters to make this work.

This works for thousands of current causes; Heart and Cancer Association, Red Cross, St. Jude Hospital ... name your cause.

Being a moderate libertarian, I will even promise to throw some bucks at the cause if this is pursued as a solution. Use the same avenue for the many other progressive left issues and it will deliver the same outcome.

Issue gets addressed by all who support the cause and those who don't are left alone. Will the effort be made? Put your money and time where your words and votes seem to be.

I again suggest that this would be an acceptable version of socialism ... The American Socialism solution.

Rod Sink


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