
Letter: Overturning Roe would be discriminatory

Just out is information that strongly indicates the Supreme Court will rule that women have NO constitutional protection to abortion. If this decision is in fact what the court has decided, this will overturn 50 years of a woman's right to choice and control over her own body.

As before, a woman with resources will be able to decide and act for herself. Essentially, the poor and otherwise unable will have to have unwanted babies.

The reasons could include economic, health, rape, etc. And, most Americans favor a woman's right to making such a decision for herself with no government intervention.

As should be clear, I strongly oppose any restriction on a woman's right to choose abortion. Is there such a restriction comparable on men? Such a restriction creates a disparity in freedom based strictly on one's sex.

While some would argue that there is no clear word, phrase or statement that abortion is a right for women, such denial discriminates on a basis of sex without reason. And for this reason, any denial must pass this logical test.

For this reason, I strongly oppose any ruling that abortion is not a woman's right, subject only to reasonable restrictions.

Herb Best


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