
The Soapbox: Daily Herald editors offer brief thoughts on suburban topics in the news.

This editorial represents the consensus opinion of The Daily Herald Editorial Board.

To our moms

Everybody has had one, but we happen to think ours are or were the best. To all of you mothers out there, we're sure you're special, too. Happy Mother's Day.

Get better soon

Our thoughts today go out to High School Sports Editor John Radtke, who underwent a major medical procedure last week and has a long road to recovery. We'll muddle through the spring tournaments, John, but want you back for kickoff in the fall. We're all pulling for you. Oh, and be nice to your nurses.

Ah, spring

Nature is awakening - lawns are greening up, flowers are emerging and the air smells like ... skunk? They're out looking for food and dens for their little ones. Don't panic. They eat insects, rodents and other pests. If you see more than one, though, you might stock up on hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap.

Give 'em a brake

Elsewhere on the wildlife front, turtles have started their spring treks across roads in search of water, food, mates and nesting sites. So keep an eye out when you're driving. Ecologists say that at least 90% of adult turtles must survive each year to sustain a population.

Stop sexual harassment

There are few issues lawmakers from both sides of the aisle can agree on without conflict. We hope the new Stop Sexual Harassment in K-12 Act proposed in the House is one of them. It creates federal standards and funding for schools to uphold students' Title IX rights. Our children deserve protection and safe spaces to learn.

Make Mom's day

Tomorrow is a very important day - Mother's Day. Make sure to honor her in some way - with a visit, a phone or Zoom call, a homemade card, flowers, breakfast in bed, her favorite meal out. She's done so much for you over the years - she definitely deserves special treatment on Sunday, May 8.

Be an engaged voter

The primary election is more than a month away, but now is the time to learn about the candidates who can shape future policies and laws at the county, state and national levels. Not being engaged only hurts you in the long run when policies and laws you don't agree with get adopted.

Making the ordinary special

A neighbor knocking on the door on a weekday midmorning, holding a box from the Cumberland Bakery, was always a welcome reason to stop work and put on a pot of coffee. Now, as we sadly note this neighborhood institution has closed after 57 years, we say thank you for making the ordinary special for so long.

Shop local

During the Glenview Chamber's of Commerce's Small Business Week celebration, Village President Mike Jenny spoke about how vital they are. "It's the lifeblood of any community," he said. Consider doing your shopping at small, locally owned businesses. You'll contribute to the town's revenue stream and, of course, help a fellow resident.

Silver lining

To all of you suffering from seasonal affective disorder from all of this gloomy, cold May weather, you have next week to look forward to. The forecast calls for partly sunny skies starting Tuesday. Let's not hear any complaints about the heat then, OK?

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