
Lent is all about fasting and prayer

"After fasting forty days and forty nights, Jesus was hungry."

- Matthew 4:1 (ESV)

Last week began the season of Lent, when many Christians observe the spiritual principle of fasting for 40 days, starting with Ash Wednesday and ending Easter Sunday.

Some like to indulge in foods they love on Fat Tuesday, just before they take the plunge to deny themselves for Lent.

Jesus instructed us there are times for fasting when we pray. Fasting is the concept behind Lent. To fast means to abstain from something, such as a habit or food. Some give up chocolate, sugary foods or a whole meal. Doing so can clear our head of unhealthy toxins and provide us mental clarity as we pray. It can also help change those unhealthy eating habits.

We might decide to give up something else instead, like a form of entertainment or texting, that could be keeping us from prayer.

Fasting can also help us overcome a habit we've been trying to break, or clear our conscience so we can hear more clearly from God. I don't understand all the benefits, or how it even works, except it is an exceptional form of prayer.

I've heard personal accounts of people being healed and experiencing other mighty miracles they hadn't even thought of from their time of fasting. Others found a boost of emotional strength or energy to get through a difficult time.

Some report not really noticing anything different at all from their time fasting; however, I believe God uses it to make some sort of spiritual difference, even if we don't notice. And it just may be that God uses it to move some unforeseen obstacles from our path.

During Lent, or some other time of fasting, many people fast for only a few days. The amount of the fast is personal between the individual and God and something they must feel right about before giving it a try.

Whether entering a 40-day fast, (which emulates how Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and nights to overcome the devil's temptations), or a 24-hour fast, it is honoring to God.

Not all Christians observe the Lent season, but most do partake in fasting and prayer. However, whether we're whispering a simple prayer or entering a fast, each is important to God when spoken from a sincere heart.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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